What can I expect from a lifestyle photography session?
My goal is for you to have an enjoyable experience connecting with your family, while I capture your special moments and interactions along the way. As a lifestyle photographer there will be less poses and smiling at me and more of a focus on your natural togetherness. I will provide guidance as needed, but I promise if you just engage with each other and have fun like you always do, the rest will fall into place!
When and where will photo sessions take place?
Lifestyle sessions will typically take place on location outdoors in the hour before sunset, or just after sunrise, so we can capture that beautiful golden light. We can go to a place that is special to you or I can show you some of my favorite spots. Details will be confirmed after your session is booked.
Lifestyle newborn sessions take place in the comfort of your own home, typically between 10am and 2pm.
*There will be a travel fee for sessions held further than 20 miles from the Columbus area to account for gas and travel time. Travel sessions will be limited in 2022.
What should we wear?
Most importantly choose something you feel good in. Complimentary colors or a mix of color, neutrals, and textures works well - don’t feel like you all need to match! Earth tones photograph beautifully outdoors.
I know coordinating a wardrobe can be stressful, especially for an entire family. That's why I've invested a lot into making this process easier, (and hopefully even enjoyable) for you!
With a style guide, an online styling tool, and even a client closet for women and children, all available to you so you can be confident in what you choose.